Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tuesdays 3:55 – 6:50 PM Denney Hall 253

Kristen Rupert                                                                                     
The Ohio Union, Office of Student Life                                                           
2095 Ohio Union: Center for Student Leadership and Service                 
614-688-3140 | Rupert.221@osu.edu                                                                          
Office hours by appointment                                                                           

Educational Policy and Leadership 2570 provides an overview of the theory related to and skills necessary for the practice of effective leadership in team and organizational settings.  Leadership is explored as an integral component of a student's career and life plan. As requested by students, special focus sections will be offered. The course purpose remains constant in all sections, however the supplemental readings may change and class discussion will focus on application of the principles to the specific interests of students in the section.

The general undergraduate section of this course will focus on the Relational Model of Leadership, including various applications of the model to personal and campus experiences of students in the class.

At the conclusion of this course students will:
1.       Demonstrate an understanding of leadership theory and research, specifically the Relational Leadership Model.
2.       Demonstrate an increased awareness of the personal qualities and skills they bring to leadership settings.
3.       Demonstrate an increased understanding of leadership as a process and the elements affecting leadership in group/organizational contexts.
4.       Demonstrate increased confidence and skill in practicing leadership in the collegiate, workplace, and/or community setting.

1.       Komives, et al., Exploring Leadership for College Students Who Want to Make a Difference, 2007. Second Edition.
2.       Supplemental readings to be provided by the instructors as needed.

This course will require students to learn through group activities which will have them interact and share with others.  Given this, students will be expected to perform in the following manner:
1.       Be on time and present for each class.
2.       Participate in class discussions and activities.
3.       Respect opinions that differ from your own.  Attempt to learn from alternative perspectives.
4.       Submit assignments on time.


Assignments are subject to change based upon instructor discretion with notice to students at least one week prior to date the assignment is due.

Class Participation and Preparation (35 Points Total)
  • Attendance at each class session for the entire class meeting period.
  • Regular checking of the course blog for updates, readings, assignments, etc.
  • Completion of reading assignments and homework prior to the class for which they are assigned.
  • Contribution to class discussions and participation in class activities that demonstrates working knowledge of the content of assigned readings.
  • Challenging and supporting classmates appropriately during discussions and activities
  • Sharing current and past leadership experiences.

Course Blog (35 Points Total)
Each student is asked to maintain a blog throughout the duration of the course, reflecting on their shared experiences and theoretical learning from class. Blog entries will require students to actively and creatively reflect on and make meaning of class material in an experimental and holistic manner. Blog assignments are the equivalent of traditional written assignments and should be treated with the same level of importance. 

Prompts for blog assignments will be posted approximately 4-5 days prior to when the blog assignment is due. Prompts will be based on course reading and/or in-class activities and will ask you to apply what you have read or what we have done in class to your own life and experiences.

In addition to maintaining an individual blog, each student will engage with their classmates by reading and commenting on each other’s blogs. It is expected that each student will read and comment on at least one other student’s blog for each blog assignment. You can find each other’s blogs by linking your blog to the class blog. It is required that you use Blogger and link your blog with the class blog. Class Blog: 2570classblog.blogspot.com

You will have 8 blog assignments. A blog assignment includes both the blog entry and a comment on a classmate’s blog. Your blog assignment is not complete without both pieces. Blog entries and comments are due prior to the start of the class for which they are assigned. As a class, you will decide by what day and time blogs must be posted each week in order to give classmates ample time to comment.

My class agrees that we will all post our blog entries by _______________(time) on  ___________________(day of week)

To earn maximum blog points, be sure to:
  • Complete blog entries and comments on time
  • Address all aspects of the prompt thoroughly and thoughtfully, referencing theoretical learning and/or classroom experiences in addition to personal thoughts. Your blog entries will likely seek their own length in this regard, but any questions regarding amount or type of content should be brought to the instructor’s attention by the student.
  • Provide blog comments that include your reactions, thoughts, additional information, questions, or a new perspective for the blog author.
  • Be authentic and creative. Entries must include text but may also include links to outside pages and articles, videos, music, images, etc.

“Leadership in Action” Project (20 Points)
Students will be asked to create and present a leadership-in-action project that showcases how theme(s), models, concepts, or theories from class are “at work” out in the world. Students will need to find 3-5 examples from literature, media, current events, performing arts, etc., analyze how leadership is displayed in those examples, and tie them all together in a creative and thoughtful way to present to the class. Students should be able to demonstrate their understanding of course material through this project, as well as how this project applies to their personal thoughts, experiences, and plans for their own leadership moving forward. More details will be discussed with the instructors in class.

Leadership Lens Project (10 Points)

More Information to come…

Each class session will include in-class activities and discussion.  Because of the interactive nature of this class, students are expected to attend and contribute to each class session in addition to completing assignments.  The point value of each component is as follows:

35 points               Attendance and Participation
35 points               Blogging and Blog Comments
10 points               Leadership Lens Project
20 points               Leadership in Action Project_______
100 points             Total      

Letter grades will be applied as follows:
A         93-100                      C+       77-79                        E          < 59
A-        90-92                        C         73-76
B+       87-89                        C-        70-72
B         83-86                        D+       67-69
B-        80-82                        D         60-66

Late Assignments
Late assignments will be accepted up to 2 days late with grading penalties (90% of grade for up to 1 day late, 80% for 2 days late, 0% credit for assignments later than two days).

Since much of the learning in the course is derived from in-class experiences and discussion, attendance is crucial to student learning.  An unexcused absence will automatically result in a drop of one letter grade. Absences will be excused for legitimate medical, family, or other reasons.  Students must send notice of absence to the instructor at least 24 hours in advance, except for in the case of emergency or extenuating circumstances. Failure to comply with this request will automatically result in an unexcused absence. The opportunity to make up class participation points is only offered for excused absences. Making up these points includes completion of any missed in-class work at the discretion of the instructor. It is expected that even if a student cannot attend a particular class period that they still complete the assigned course preparation reading and homework. Consult with your instructor(s) for additional guidance.


Students will be asked to complete the University Student Evaluation of Instruction form during the last week of classes, prior to finals week.  Students will are encouraged to provide feedback on instruction, as well as the course structure and content.

As members of a University community, students are expected to uphold the highest standards of academic honesty in all course work.  Penalties for plagiarism, cheating, or other acts of academic dishonesty may include receiving a failing grade, dismissal from the University, or revocation of degree.  More information can be found in The Ohio State University Code of Student Conduct.


Students who have documented any learning disabilities with the Office of Disability Services are encouraged to meet with the course instructors to discuss arrangements for any approved accommodations.  Please contact the Office of Disability Services at 292-3307 if you have any questions.  Students requiring modified versions of written materials (large print, Braille, tape, etc.), class modifications (e.g. American Sign Language), or an alternate format for submission of written materials, please privately contact one of the instructors.  Every effort will be made to work with you to accommodate your specific learning needs


  1. I’m from the small town of Crown Point, Indiana where all we have is cornfields and football. Most people don’t know a thing about Northwest Indiana, but we’re about forty minutes from Chicago. I miss the city so much; it’s my favorite place ever. I am a first year here at OSU, and am a nursing major. Though, this class technically has nothing to do with my major I thought it would be a good class to take that would help me in college, and in the workplace.

    I went to Crown Point High School for all four years, and while there I was on the Tennis Team, Dance Team, Soccer Team, Spanish Club, Student Council, National Honors Society, and was really involved in community service. Our high school is considered big, but the town is so small that it never felt that way. Newsweek listed CPHS as one of the best high schools in the nation, which was pretty cool; we were also known as one of the most “All American” high schools. One of my best high school experiences was being on the CPHS Dance Team. Spending practically everyday from June to April made us really close, and strong as a team. It also gave me the opportunity to be in the Crown Point parades, work with St. Jude House, Relay for Life, and other organizations. We performed at every football and basketball game. It’s so crazy to think that this weekend will be my first time ever being in the stands, and not on the sidelines dancing. We compete all over Indiana, and go to UDA Nationals in Florida. All the practice definitely paid off when we came home with three first place trophies this past spring, and have the been the reigning pom champions two years in a row (in Indiana). I have danced my whole life, and it feels so weird not having to go to dance practice everyday after class, but I wanted to be able to get the full college experience, and have so far loved it. My favorite things to do are work out, read, and shop until I drop! I love everything pink and preppy; my friends sometimes make fun of me, but I love being known as the “girly girl”.

    I chose to attend Ohio State because of the vast amount of opportunities available to its students, the amazing nursing program, and the atmosphere. I never really wanted to stay in state for college, and once I visited OSU I knew it was the school for me. I had applied to mostly southern schools, but I knew if I wanted to get the best training in nursing I would need to commit to Ohio State. I love everything about OSU; everyone is so nice, it’s one of the largest and best universities in the country, and because the OSU family is so big I can find a Buckeye practically anywhere! Being far from my friends, family, and boyfriend has been hard, but I know this was the best choice for me. All of my friends are either going to Purdue, or IU, and my mom and I are really close so not having her around all the time has been tough. My boyfriend plays golf for Wabash in Indiana, and we try to talk as much as we can, but we both have busy schedules. But, hopefully he’ll be visiting very soon! Despite all of this college has so far been amazing, and I’m so excited for sorority recruitment/rush! I have been looking forward to it my entire life, and cannot wait to go through it next semester. I can’t wait to see what OSU has in store for me.

  2. As a nursing major one of my main goals once I graduate is to be a part of Doctors Without Borders, or an organization that is similar. Doctors Without Borders is an organization that sends medical teams to different impoverished countries to help give aide where it is needed. I have always been very passionate about wanting to become a nurse. I love helping people, and want to be able to make a difference in someone else’s life. About six years ago I took a trip to Mexico, and went to visit my family. I had been there before, but what I saw this time really made an impression on me. Our house is right in the middle of the town, but if one walks ten minutes the opposite way all one sees are children and old people begging for money. There were so many children half dressed, dirty, malnourished, and penniless. Most of these children were begging for money so they could go to school, afford to buy a uniform, and school supplies. Many of these children had never seen a doctor or teacher in their lives. I want to be a social entrepreneur and able to help children like them, and improve their quality of life. If accepted into Doctors Without Borders I hope to be sent to Latin American countries because I can speak the language, and not only help the people there, but also improve the system so that the medical team can see the most patients possible. The system used is not very efficient, and depending on the amount of staff it is very hard to have set positions. Not many doctors are willing to do this kind of work because they aren’t being paid like they are used to; as a result the nurses a lot of times end up playing the roles of doctors. They also end up being teachers for the local children. Nurses help teach the children English, how to use everyday things, and how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I am very passionate about nursing, and want to change the way the system is run in these countries for the better. I want to be able to help children like the ones I saw, and change their lives. We all hear about poverty, but actually seeing it in the face of a nine year old little girl, spoke louder than words. It is a very hard and long application process to even be considered for an organization like Doctors Without Border (or any other one like it), but I know that OSU will give me the best training/credentials possible so that once I graduate I can achieve my goal.

  3. http://0407hernandezmartha.blogspot.com/

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.
